Thursday, July 7, 2011

Texas Style BBQ

A real barbeque in Texas probably includes pulled pork and more stuff I wouldn't eat and wouldn't know how to make. The Texas in Eddie's barbeque was really all about cards. He invited his poker buddies and my friends over for a Texas Holdem Tournament and barbeque. My brother grilled. My parents dropped by. I made lots of vegetables.

The rain was the big event aside from the cards. As soon as we got everything out to eat, the rain started. We brought everything upstairs and ate. The rain stopped. We went back outside. The bugs came out because of the rain. It got muggy. We went back inside.

I must have walked up and down the steps maybe about 87 times.

We got to meet D's boyfriend F for the first time--T and AEF already knew him, but no one else did. She brought brownies which everyone devoured. T brought chocolate covered strawberries that were very yummy along with some chocolate cake. S did not bake but brought her iPad and showed my dad how to play sudoku on it which he enjoyed and my mom did not because now he'll want to play on her iPad when she gets it back from the computer lady with all new apps on it. AEF brought maybe 200 cookies and some really really good dip. Mmmm, dip. I looked at the cookies and was like, how many people do you think I know? She was like, I just wanted to be covered.

The Holdem game came later on when Eddie's friends showed up. SMM and A came with SMM's two friends and the game began. I read Tarot cards for A, AEF, and S. S got two readings because the first one didn't go so well. A got the best reading. AEF did mine and that wasn't so good. So we put the cards away.

The night went on and as the boys played, me and A were left on the couches, half asleep. When poker finished, they immediately started playing Spades. What the? Boys love their cards. Next time, I'm gonna weasel my way into their poker game and throw them all off. I plan to win.

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