Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sabbaticalling: Weekly Roundup #6

I’m writing this on Valentine’s Day, just having come home from the Waffle House. I have traveled to my breakfast mecca and life is good.

Books read: One full novel that was a challenging read, and then started a non-fiction book.

Journals and mags read: The Rumpus, back issues of Fence and This, and McSweeney’s. Read through The Paris Review for poetry and interesting tidbits about the world—these tidbits usually lead to poems. I added Blunderbuss and Flapperhouse to the list this week.

Listened to: The Catapult Podcast and I’m still not caught up. Getting there. I tried out Literary Disco but couldn’t get past the introductory episode, maybe because it was just people talking about how they knew each other in college and not about literature. I also listened to Serial because I’m incredibly into it, though it has nothing to do with sabbatical.

On Writing: The Workshop was back this week! We revised poetry and discussed stories and did all kinds of artsy things. By the time I got home, I was a big ball of revising energy. Then I wrote poems, some about critters and creatures, others about outer space.

I followed up on last week’s Poetry Has Value posting by crossposting on this blog and then re-Tumbling and re-Tweeting all I could find that was relative.

I sent some pitches to some non-poetry places. Those were rejected. I love not waiting and wondering. I also received some poetry rejections, one in snail mail form. It was a week of “we don’t want your stuff,” which means it was a typical week for writing.

Submitting: I submitted poems to six journals. I’ve found that in January, I submitted to most of the journals on my list that have reading periods through February. March should see an uptick in submitting again.

Reading: The Poets in Nassau reading I coordinated at TheCradle of Aviation happened, and it was an amazing night. I’m already planning another one. 
This is the exhibit that sparked our reading.
Most photos courtesy of John Brennan

Crazy poet face!

Photo courtesy of Marie Ilardi at the museum. I'm with a new colleague.
Business-y stuff: My email events list saw an update as I added new people who signed up for it at the Cradle reading.

And now it’s back to my love to spend the rest of the day indoors because this Valentine’s Day is arctic.
That temperature is in Farenheit.

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