We got to the Armory a bit before 11, and we shouldn't have walked to the front door because we wound up backtracking around the block because the line was very long. Like super duper long. While we found the end of the line, Eddie kept repeating in amazement: This many people like tea? I would answer, And coffee. Yes, it's a thing. People like these drinks. Some people make a living out of them, like the vendors inside. Also as we found the end of the line, he commented, Wow, that smells good and I don't even like this stuff. "This stuff" smelled super yummy.
We waited. My only worry was that we would not get free bags. Bags came with admission, but only a limited number were available; therefore, they were bonuses and FREE. He asked how many. I said around 1000. He said, there were not that many people on this line. I was like, How can you be sure? He was like, there just aren't. He is a numbers guy, so I trusted that we would get bags.
We totally got bags. When we walked in, we signed in after waiting five minutes for two women to write their names on a piece of paper (literally: five minutes--even the registration guy was rolling his eyes at them). Then we got our bags. They were heavy and about to get heavier because I was going to fill mine with anything I could grab. This is where I shine. I grabbed Eddie and into the rows of tables we went in search of the best tasting tea or coffee--the freer it was, the better it'd be.
From table to table, from taste to taste, through crowds of coffee and tea drinkers, I basked in the delight of warm and comfy liquid. I tasted tea that had bourbon in it. My first time with bourbon. I have a new friend. I tasted coffee that was cold brewed and almost talked myself into having to buy a batch but then told the woman I'd come back later after lapping the place. She was like, you can buy it now and I'll hold it for you, and I was like, No I don't want to be a bother, and quickly let the crowd whisk me away.
I failed a blind taste test, causing Eddie to mock me. In all fairness, I didn't know it was a blind taste test. The woman was like, we're testing out flavors--which do you prefer? When I told her the second one was more flavorful, she told me she was surprised because most people say the opposite, and then I learned that I'd liked Lipton over her brand (which I don't even remember). I immediately lied and said that I use Lipton at work so I must be used to the taste. She gave me a whole plastic baggie of her brand of tea and I said, I'll bring these to work!
The only tea I drink at work is the tea I bring, which is Trader Joe's Green Tea. I'm a good liar on my feet to save face. (Right now at work, I'm drinking whatever I got from the show. Haven't bought tea in weeks!).